Emergency plumbing situations are just that - emergencies! You never know when they are going to happen, and when they do, it is always invariably at the worst possible time. It's easy to feel helpless and frustrated when your plumbing goes haywire, but if you take a...
Jim Dhamer Plumbing & Sewer, Inc.
Jim Dhamer Plumbing & Sewer, Inc has been serving DuPage County residents with their expertise in plumbing and related jobs for the past 37 years. A complete plumbing services company, it is a family owned and operated business. Every client is treated with...
The Training Behind Your Plumber
When you are in need of a plumbing repair in Gainesville GA, it is good to know that the professional you are hiring can provide you with high quality service. What, then, are the requirements for becoming a plumber? It is good to know what education the plumber...
What does a plumbing inspector do?
A plumbing inspector is responsible for inspecting plumbing systems to make sure they conform to code; are safe, legal and that they have been installed by plumbers that are licensed by the state. The plumbing inspector is a licensed plumber himself. The government,...
A Few Ways That You Can Help Your Plumber Help You
When it comes to tackling a plumbing problem, you may experience a quick succession of several emotions. These emotions may include frustration and concern, or even fear and panic! There aren’t many people who are happy to find out that they have a drain that is...